I am Joe Reeves, Jr., President of Rogers Florist Inc. This is how Rogers Florist began.
My grandfather, Sammie Rogers, was a fruit tree salesman prior to the great depression. After the market crashed there was no money and he went broke.
My grandmother, Ina Rogers, started Rogers Florist on her kitchen table. Sammie was well known and a respected salesman, and Ina was a very competent designer.
In 1950, my mother Alma Rogers Reeves and my father Joe Reeves, Sr. took over Rogers Florist from my grandparents. My parents kept the name Rogers Florist and continued to build upon the respected reputation.
Presently, Rogers Florist Inc. is located on the corner of 26th Avenue and 10th Street. We have 3 flower coolers, a green house, a large display room, plus ample workspace and a loading dock. We are now in our 3rd generation of being a family owned business.
Joe Reeves, Jr.